Werner Krauss


Thursday, 19 September | 16:15

Join Werner Krauß (wmk) and Lukas Erni (lerni) as they revisit their 2016 talk—revamped and reloaded for today's development landscape. Discover how containerized environments with DDEV have transformed debugging into a smoother, more efficient process. We'll dive into the evolution of debugging techniques, showcase handy tools like the Silverstripe DebugBar and SSShell, and share tips to make bug hunting less of a chore and more of a craft.

Werner Krauss

Netwerkstatt, AT

From lower Bavaria, he began with string instruments, mastering precision and big-picture thinking—skills he now uses in programming. A PHP expert since 1998 and skilled in Silvestripe, he values clear, rigorous solutions and strong client relationships. With a knack for complex processes and exotic interfaces, he’s always seeking new challenges and aims to continuously improve as a programmer, entrepreneur, and tech expert.