Become a StripeCon sponsor!
StripeCon is run on a non-profit basis, bringing attendees from all over Europe (and a few from further afield!) together to share ideas, collaborate and catch-up.
Additionally, StripeCon provides a great opportunity to meet-up and socialise with friends, old and new.
StripeCon wouldn't exist without the generous contributions of our sponsors, and we are eternally grateful for the ongoing support of the organisations and individuals who support the event.
The sponsor packages are outlined below. You would like to support this year's StripeCon Europe, we would love to make that happen! Every sponsor is important to use, so please get in touch: [email protected]
- Your logo and details on the website.
- 1 attendee ticket
- Digital advertising throughout the conference
- Your logo featured in the post-event video sponsors screen
Everything in bronze, plus:
- Silver sized logo on conference banners and selected merchandise
- 3 attendee tickets
- Discounted professional headshots for your business with Andrew Ogilvy photography
- Digital advertising throughout the conference
- Your logo featured in the post-event video sponsors screen
Everything in Silver, plus:
- Gold sized logo on conference banners and merchandise
- A 10 minute conference slot to promote your company
- 5 attendee tickets
- Professional headshots for your business with Andrew Ogilvy photography
- Digital advertising throughout the conference
- Pre-conference video promotion
- Your logo featured in the post-event video and links in all event video descriptions
- Your logo / company name in event communications
Everything in Gold, plus:
- Special presentation at the venue.
- Platinum sized logo on conference banners and merchandise
- 10 attendee tickets
- Tailored post-conference video edit
- Your logo featured in the published talk videos, post-event video and links in all event video descriptions
* Sponsorship packages are shown in Euros. If you prefer to use a different currency, such as GBP, we will be happy to accomodate.